Saturday, June 12, 2010

First Day

I spoke to Luke this morning and he said the neighborhood that he is staying in has been without electricity since last Sunday. They have inverters which they charge with a generator, but the inverter cut out around midnight last night...that makes for one hot night of sleeping without fans, and also leaves you to be a great target for mosquito's!

Luke said he did not sleep that well, but he only has a couple things to do today so maybe a nap later....MAYBE :). He has to drain the baptismal pool at the chapel because it is clogged. He started that yesterday, and will hopefully complete that project today. He also brought a computer down for a missionary and he needs to help transition him from a PC to a MAC, along with transferring files, pictures, and all that good stuff. Good thing Luke is so handy with that kind of stuff! Later one this afternoon he will go to another missionary house who had their house broken into (while they were all sleeping), and bring some supplies they requested, that were stolen.

I wish I could be there to squeeze everyone and fill my heart with a Haiti fix, but Luke is amazing and we are blessed with the opportunity for him to be able to go down there.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick trip next week

Just a quick note to say that I'll (Luke) be going to Haiti on Friday morning and coming back the following Thursday. This is a quick trip that has a couple of purposes:

1) I'm planning to take some time to sit down with an organization that has expressed interest in having Becca and I join with them. We're real excited about this and really need discernment we we begin talking with them.
2) I'm bringing a new computer to Pastor Karl and will be moving all the stuff from his old computer to this one. I'll also be spending some time with him teaching him how to use the new one.
3) I'll be delivering some donated sound equipment to Quisqueya Chapel.
4) I'll be checking in on a couple of business, income generating projects, that I started with a couple of men a few months ago.
5) I'll be arranging for the delivery of approximately 10,000 reading glasses that have been donated by some people from New England.

I'm excited of course to get back. Becca and I often say that we think about Haiti multiple times during the day and it feels more and more like home to us. We'd really appreciate your prayers for us while I'm there over this next week.