Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This makes me want to have 10 children!  This sweet girl is amazing on so many levels!  She loves to learn, sing, dance, get messy, read books, and potty trained herself!  Oh how thankful I am for her😃

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Cost

There is a cost for every choice that we make.  Some are good, some are bad, and some are both good and bad.  It is those "good and bad" costs that I struggle with.  Being a missionary I am finding that there are lots of choices to make and it seems that every choice has a good and bad cost. For example: I have this pull in me to hurry and sign Grace up for ballet classes because she will not be able to experience them again for a while once we are in Haiti, and then I want to get memberships to everything so she can experience the aquarium, zoo, arboretum, and splash parks.  Then there is the fact that we live in Dallas, TX and most of our family is in New Hampshire and North Carolina.  We don't have the funds to travel all the time so we are missing out on cousins, nieces and nephews being born, family events, and worse the passing of loved ones.  I feel like we are missing out on super great relationships we could be having, because we are here in Dallas doing what we feel the Lord is calling us to do (insert pity party here).

That sounds selfish right?  I mean I should be content with what I have and where God has called me.  This period of life is only but a moment and before I know it I will be in Haiti, finally where God has called me to be!  I can be established and start to put down some roots.  Then I can be content in where I am, right?

Did you catch that?  That whole pity party statement was all about me and how I think things should go, and how I can do what is best for me and my family.  If I can only get this, this, and this, then I will be content!  Oh silly Becca!  If you only understood.....

Luke 9: 57-62 hit me like a ton of bricks!  It was the understanding that I needed to put the "cost of following Christ" into perspective.  See in Luke 9:57-62 Luke is telling us of two men who are walking with Jesus and telling Him that they will follow Him.  One man tells Jesus that he will follow just as soon as he buries his father, and the other man tells Jesus that he will follow right after he says good bye to his family.  Jesus response to these men in verse 62 is "No one who put his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God."  Ouch! Jesus summons to discipleship take precedence over everything else.  If we are going to follow Him, then we need to DO IT!  Do it without stipulations, without complaining, and without questioning!  If there is anything these 6 years in TX have taught me it is that Jesus has us!  He will not abandon us.  We have story after story of God's amazing, miraculous provisions for us.  How can I remember these, yet forget that He is going to take care of our needs in the future?  I don't need to worry about cramming in everything so we can have these experiences now, because I believe without a doubt that God has something way better then ballet classes in store for Grace, and way better things in store for my family then I could every create by myself.

So there you have it.  The choice of following Christ seems to have good and bad costs, but there is no other choice that I would make then to give up myself and follow Jesus!