Wednesday, May 22, 2013


In less then a month we will be packing up and heading to Kansas City, Missouri for two weeks to candidate with Crossworld.  It seems a bit surreal that this part of our adventure is starting up.  Weren't we just packing up and moving to Dallas for Luke to attend DTS?  Now 6 years later, we have two children, graduated from DTS, and starting our new adventure towards Haiti!  Wild! 

I have mixed feelings about this trip.  I am anxious...oh so anxious about the toll it will take on our daughters, and how much more exhausting it will be on this already tired mommy.  I am excited to finally get started!  There are so many balls in the air right now and so many decisions we are tossing around, that taking a step forward just feels so good.  To just move forward and see what the Lord has in store for us makes me feel a little lighter. 

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