Tuesday, February 23, 2010

aftershock again, and again

We just had two aftershocks. One at 1:30am and one about 20 minutes later. Both at 4.7. Weird that I happened to be awake anyway. I woke up about 5 minutes before the first one, went downstairs to get some water and then it hit as I was going back up so I ran down and out as the dog ran in with his tail between his legs. So I decided to sit here and process for a minute and then my chair started shaking.
I went across the street to the church since everyone was now awake and talking and I hung out for awhile. I could hear people calling to Jesus in the distance. People's nerves are rattled. I'm understanding this a little now. Now I'm back here and going to try to sleep some more. I don't think sleeping on the second floor is happening tonight so I'm crashing on the first floor now.
It is pretty unnerving to feel the earth move like this - especially when all day long I see what happened when the earth really moved.

Ps 46

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