Monday, February 22, 2010


This morning at 4:30am (3:30 TX time) there was another aftershock in Haiti. It was calculated to be 4.7, which hasn't caused damage as far as Luke knows. He was woken up by the shaking and could hear the neighbors talking about it. He called some people and people called him, so far everyone is ok.

Luke has been extremely busy and continues to be! The Lord is providing him with strength to get through all the things he is working on, and pray that He continues to. Please also pray for rest! Luke has been sleeping, but being on the go all day, going to bed late, and getting up early is going to catch up to him.

The food distributions are going well and calm. There are still many people in tents and tents are still needed. Luke went to the Palace the other day and took this picture....

Sorry it is so small, but I think you can see it. Please continue to pray for Haiti and the people there. Luke went around with the earthquake engineer from California to different houses to inspect them. There were some that could go back to their houses, and other could not until work is done on their house. Luke is going to be looking into getting things fixed so we can get these Haitians out of tents and into their home. Thank you for your prayers!

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