Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life Overhaul

We have been in Texas for about 5+ years now and I cannot believe how much life has changed since that summer day in July 2007 when Luke and I said "I do".  We had our plans, and God has directed us towards His plans, we had our ups and downs, our "we love Texas, we hate Texas" times, and of course our schedule. 

Our initial plan was to be done with Seminary in 4 years and then go to Haiti we would serve as missionaries until the Lord showed us otherwise.  The plan to go to Haiti is still on our hearts, but the time frame is just a bit delayed since we are still in Seminary.  Luke is in his LAST YEAR!!  Can you believe it?!?!  I am so excited and proud of my husband for his hard work, dedication, and accomplishments.  This has been a long, hard, faithful experience both being in Seminary and the events that have taken place these past 5 years.  I cannot believe we are almost at the end. 

So back to the "Life Overhaul" title:  We are going on child #2 and plan on having more (I say 4 more, Luke says maybe 2).  :)  Our expanding family along with needing to make a "next step" decision soon has Luke and I thinking about our life.  We basically came up with three areas in our life that we want to revamp and make considerably better.  1. Finances 2. health 3. dedication to God.  I think there is a time in everyone life where they go through and say they need to make changes, and if they are anything like me I say those things and maybe change things for a week, or maybe a month, but then I fall off the wagon.  Not this time.  Luke and I have really brought these things to the Lord and have teamed together to conquer this life overhaul we desperately need.  But what have we done?

1. Finances:  Luke works full time at DTS and we are so richly blessed to have a job that he loves, can serve, and get paid for!  I work at home as a stay at home mom, and also blessed to watch a friends baby who is awesome, and is like a sister to Grace.  I love it! Sometimes I have other children that I watch during the summer and when they have no school, they rock too! Needless to say these jobs are fabulous, but not your top paying jobs.  Going into marriage we knew that as a teacher and a pastor we were never going to be able to afford that house on the beach, awesome car, and luxurious vacations, and we are ok with that. 

Luke and I sat down and attacked our budget like hungry wolves.  We went through everything and came up with a plan for paying things off, and surviving on what we have.  I am in awe of the mad computer skills my husband has!  He pretty much computerized our budget so it does all the calculations and everything!  He is a genius!

2. Health:  We have started eating better for about a year now, and I am so proud of our accomplishments!  We haven't been through a drive through in almost a year!  We have made some big changes, and not only that, they are habits that are sticking.  Being at home I am in charge and can control the healthy snacks, shopping, and healthy dinners.  Now don't be fooled, we totally splurge once in a while and go all out on junk :)

3. Dedication to God: This is HUGE!  I cannot speak for Luke, but for me I have been in a dry place since Grace was born.  It was really difficult for me to find time to pray, read the  Bible, and just hear God speak.  It would always fill my heart when I would read, or notice a situation where I know it was God grabbing my attention just to know He still loves me and longs for me.  We serve a gracious God!  Going on with this life overhaul I realized that in order to make these changes and for us to be able to survive my focus needs to be on God.  It amazes me how awesome my attitude and day goes when I start my morning in prayer.  I have regular devotions with God (Not daily, but we are getting there).  And have signed up for our ladies Bible study at church.  I am excited!

So there you have it.  We are starting on a great adventure on transforming our life through our dedication and foundation in the Lord.  I cannot wait to see how this all plays out. 

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