Saturday, June 8, 2013

Making A Mess

We are a very busy family :). With two crazy dogs, two toddlers, an infant, and a constant mommy, there is always something going on.  

Today I needed to run outside to hang the load of diapers that just came out of the wash onto the line.  We had just finished making brownies and Grace and Ella were licking the bowl, Lydia was content in her bouncy seat, and the dogs were actually calm outside.  It was a perfect moment to run outside and hang the diapers real quick!

I booked it outside, hung them quickly (maybe 2 min), ran back inside to find that the girls were not in the kitchen where I left them.  I listen closely and hear faint giggles coming from the bathroom..... I snuck around the corner to peek my head into the bathroom unnoticed.  The girls were washing their hands and faces off while making up a song :). It was precious!  Have I mentioned how much I love being a mommy?!?! 

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