Saturday, June 20, 2009

Week 1

We are ending out first week in Haiti. Luke has been working with Pastor Karl with things at the chapel as well as the house. I have been getting things settled and unpacked while spending time with Ann. Pastor Karl and Ann will be leaving Tuesday and heading to the states for furlough. Please pray for safe traveling.
Friday I went with Pastor Karl and Luke to Sherry's house to talk with her about what I can help her with this summer. It looks like helping with summer school, and working with the children from the orphanage that have recently come to stay with her. The children were out in the country side, but after the hurricanes destroyed their home, and they were left without food for about two weeks; Sherry had them moved to her house. They are so cute :) After my meeting with Sherry, Luke and Pastor Karl were expecting some Haitian Pastor's to come over for an introductory class. Pastor Karl will Begin classes with these guys when he gets back from the states, and wanted to meet with them before he left. Luke got to tag along and meet them. At the end they closed with prayer.

Here is Luke closing the class with prayer

Sherry and the Haitian Pastor's praying

So you may be asking yourself; "well I wonder what Becca was doing while Luke was meeting with the Pastor's?" well let me show you :)

I was busy playing with the children from the orphanage :) They are so much fun, and loved the chance to practice their English! I cannot wait to get back over there!

On our way home we needed to stop and get some more water. While Pastor Karl and Luke were getting the bottles changed I spotted a lady selling vegetables walking down the road..... I am not sure I could ever do this! She is talented!

We are excited to be here and cannot wait to see what our second week has in store!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those children are adorable! i hope u guys have a great second week! love u michelle