Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Ok, so remember the laundry detergent making skills I shared?  Well that is still going fabulous and I love it.  In fact it was going so well I figured there must be more things I can make myself and save more money.  I discovered that dish washer detergent has almost the same ingredients and looked just as easy, so I gave it a shot.  The first load of dishes came out ok...kinda cloudy, but the websites said if this was the case then add more vinegar.  Guys...I added LOTS more vinegar and my glasses and silverware looked horrible!  So after two weeks of playing around with different ingredients I am giving up.  I have failed at making dishwashing detergent.  I am kinda bummed and feel like less of a women, but hey there are still loads of other things to make and get going with, so there you go....laundry detergent great, dishwashing detergent not so great :)


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